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21 Business Tips & Lessons from the Entrepreneur’s Bookshelf

You’ve heard you are what you eat, well we believe that you are what you read. Teach a CEO presents lessons from our bookshelf on how you can improve and grow your venture. We have taken nuggets from our library and provide them for entrepreneurs and business owners.

  1. Being your own brand involves a promise and a commitment or pledges mad to assure the recipient, that he or she can trust that certain expectations will be fulfilled. (Be Your Brand)
  2. In this universe, jobs are a by-product of an entrepreneur's desire to build their business, a business the entrepreneur hopes will solve all of his or her problems via solving other people's problems. For entrepreneurs, their business is often all that stands between them and financial ruin, so they fight hard to keep it going. (101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again)
  3. There are two types of hustling. The first type is when you know what you want to do with your life and pursue that dream however possible, inside or outside the system. Whether your dreams reside in the boardroom or by the easel, you know what you want and you chase it. The second type of hustling involves not knowing the specific of what you want to do, rather having a sense that you'd like to be interested in your work and be in charge of yourself. Any one path does not hold the answer, and no specific dream compels your longing. (The Hustle Economy)
  4. People act on what they remember. Not on what they forget. (Impossible to Ignore)
  5. The single most important point that CEOs, and society at large, need to come to terms with is the degree to which current work norms depend on the outdated paradigm that assumes the performance of considerable amounts of unpaid work by women in an home and/or a community context, allowing them to continue premising their business on the assumption of the ‘ideal worker' – a notion of a worker who functions in the workplace as if s/he either has no care responsibilities or, if s/he does, has a stay at home spouse who assumes these responsibilities. (Women and False Choice)
  6. Wanting something to change and actually making it happen are two different things become determined to have the resolve to overcome whatever obstacles may get in your way. (Moppin' Floors to CEO)
  7. Before you develop a personal brand and launch it out to the world, it is important to be yourself, authentically. Remember…you actually already have a brand, except it has not been established just yet. (Be Your Brand)
  8. You have to be patient and persistent. Think about how long it should take to achieve success and prepare for that time to be quadrupled. Or octupled. Or whatever comes after octupled. (The Hustle Economy)
  9. Accept responsibility for your life's actions and behaviors. We can go through life blaming others for our difficulties or we can accept responsibility for doing something about who we are now and go forward with a more positive attitude. (Moppin' Floors to CEO)
  10. Identifying your traits will help you to further unlock what you are passionate about and ultimately create your personal brand. (Be Your Brand)
  11. To be on people's minds, you must become part of their reflexes, habits, and goals they consider valuable. (Impossible to Ignore)
  12. Hustling is a big ***-you to everything that stands in the hustler's way. Hustlers actively perpetuate the Horatio Alger myth of rags to riches, a blatant lie about what is possible in America (statistically speaking). (The Hustle Economy)
  13. The more that you position yourself as an authority, the easier you will find it to attract your ideal tribe, as your clients will immediately see YOU as the “go to” person when they are looking to solve a problem that they have. (Be Your Brand)
  14. 96% of employers said they'd pick mindset over skills. (101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again)
  15. Envision your future and develop your plan of action to achieve it. Perseverance is the steady persistance in a course of action, in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement. (Moppin' Floors to CEO)
  16. In order for change to happen, including moving away from androcentric standards of success, new ideas need to emerge to inspire people into moving to a new paradigm. Ne ideas about how women can succeed on their own terms are emerging slowly, but are not yet coherent enough to replace the olde androcentric paradigm. Mostly, this is taking the shape of self-employment and starting a business, the vast majority of which remains small scale since, as primary carers, women tend to wrap the business around their family commitments. (Women and False Choice)
  17. Using the word “imagine” is a powerful way to create anticipation and emotion. (Impossible to Ignore)
  18. For artist thinkers and creatives, the modern hustle is more rigorous than ever before, mostly for 3 main reasons: the rise of amateurism (not necessarily a bad thing), the demands of social media (again, not necessarily bad), and the ability to get your work out there in a variety of avenues (a very good thing). This has created a bit of a shift in our culture, highlighting, ever so slightly, more indie artist who have normally bee in the shadows of bigger organizations. In other words, there is more work out there, but you need to shine and more importantly, you need to work to get noticed. (The Hustle Economy)
  19. Using guidelines rooted in solid science allows us to influence with precision what we want others to remember instead of leaving the process to chance. (Impossible to Ignore
  20. In this new work environment, the idealised worker, the lynchpin of sexism in the workplace, is redefined: no longer is it the person who works the longest hours, has no care responsibilities and has someone at home caring for them. Instead, it is the person who is energised enough to come up with the most creative solutions that directly feed into meeting business objectives. Gone is the need for both women and men to be as masculine as they can possibly be in order to succeed, for success measures are no longer androcentric. (Women and False Choice)
  21. Having learned from failues in life gave me the confidence to help organization s that were struggling to reach their own potential. Being able to grow and develop as a person, despite the many challenges I had to confront, allowed me to have both teh insights and knowledge that others coudl grow and develop as well. (Moppin' Floors to CEO)

Books from the Bookshelf

Summaries from

Be Your Brand: From Unknown to Unforgettable in 60 Days – Confused, overwhelmed, or seriously lacking focus when it comes to your personal brand? I was that person too. I could have gone in 20 different directions. Should I be this? Should I create this? Should I launch this? What if it doesn't work? The questions were endless. The biggest reason was, simply, I didn't have a personal brand! Fast forward 60 days and I now sit here with a well established brand, in profit, clearly defined by physical results. I was the same me as I am right now. I was still Regan. I had the same values, the same beliefs, the same mission and the same voice. I just wasn't positioning myself right, or, at all. I wasn't stepping 100% into my greatness, simply because I didn't know HOW. And among the confusion and the questions and the lack of clarity, there's one thing I now know for sure. You, too, ABSOLUTELY have a personal brand – that just hasn't been established yet. You are an incredible, unique, amazing individual, unlike any other person walking the planet right now. You have a message, a voice, a soul. Yet here's the challenge right now. You're not branded. Or, you're not branded well. If you're someone who is a little afraid (or hugely afraid!) to step 100% into your greatness, this book will give you the strategy, the step by step system, in how to go from being unknown to unforgettable, in just 60 days. Whether your goal is: to be thousands of dollars in profit to expand your social media presence to connect with key people of influence for your story to be picked up by global media outlets to speak on international stages…or to have a much bigger impact than ever before and play a much, MUCH bigger game… I'm here to tell you that you can do this. Are YOU ready to Be Your Brand? Then sit back, relax, and enjoy unlocking the full system to developing, launching and accelerating your true message.

101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again – Learn the secrets to excelling at job interviews, directly from top interviewers and recruiters. You can't prepare an answer for every interview question. So, of the thousands of questions a potential employer might ask, which ones will they ask? And what should you say? After extensive research among hundreds of interviewers and thousands of interviewees, finally here's the book that will give you the answer. 101 JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS YOU'LL NEVER FEAR AGAIN is based on direct input from top interviewers. It offers powerful preparation techniques, the lowdown on how to answer the most common questions and – above all – how to adopt a winning mindset at interviews, one that will help you stand out from the pack and land the job. From classic questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your greatest weaknesses?” to puzzlers like “Sell me this pen” and “How many traffic lights are there in New York?,” James Reed reveals what interviewers are really asking and gives you the best possible answers.

The Hustle Economy: Transforming Your Creativity Into a Career – To survive in today’s gig economy, you must be a mover, a shaker, a doer, and a maker. In The Hustle Economy, we give you 25 essays from founders, writers, producers, game makers, artists, and creative types from every path who share one common trait—they are all self-made hustlers who have managed to turn their creativity into careers.

Impossible to Ignore – A groundbreaking approach to creating memorable messages that are easy to process, hard to forget, and impossible to ignore―using the latest in brain science. Audiences forget up to 90% of what you communicate. How can your employees and customers decide to act on your message if they only remember a tenth of it? How do you know which tenth they’ll remember? How will you stay on their minds long enough to spark the action you need?

Moppin' Floors to CEO: From Hopelessness and Failure to Happiness and Success – As a young man in Moppin' Floors to CEO: From Hopelessness and Failure to Happiness and Success, Dennis C. Miller faces overwhelming obstacles: an emotionally abusive father, physically abusive Catholic school teachers, bottom-of-the-class grades all the way through high school, and mental health issues that land him in Fair Oaks Psychiatric Hospital. Yet through his own perseverance and the help of caring individuals, Dennis begins a slow but sure ascent up the ladder of success. He starts with mopping floors at a Ramada Inn, gains admittance to an Ivy League university, and eventually becomes the CEO of a New Jersey hospital-which he transforms from a failing enterprise to a flourishing institution noted for its exemplary patient care. Tragedy befalls the hospital, and soon Dennis is being interviewed by Katie Couric, Wolf Blitzer, and Morley Safer. From there, he moves on to a new chapter in life, forming, in 2005, his own leadership consulting firm for nonprofit organizations, which he runs to this day. “My passion had always been to help people,” he writes. “I had an opportunity to help many organizations with developing their strategic plans, board development, fundraising, program development, and marketing strategies. I had a new purpose in life. I was finding my new challenge very fulfilling and deeply rewarding. I had found a new ‘calling in life. In Moppin' Floors to CEO: From Hopelessness and Failure to Happiness and Success, Dennis mixes together the right ingredients for an engaging autobiography: a gut-honest recount of his highly eventful life, lots of engaging stories, and some valuable life lessons. We get to know Dennis while he entertains and enlightens us. Through his words and actions, Dennis shows us how anyone, even a troubled kid from New Jersey, can make it to the top and live a fulfilling life.

Women and False Choice: The Truth about Sexism: How to Fight Sexism in the Workplace – This book invites us to abandon our gender identity and look deeper into who we truly are. Cultural ideals that see women and men as fundamentally different manifest into a physical reality of sex-differentiated behaviour, be it in cognitive abilities, psychological traits, or even dispositions. We know from epigenetic studies that there is no separation between mind and environment: our perceptions of environmental signals, filtered through cultural beliefs, translate into a corresponding behaviour in order to maintain harmony between mind, body and environment. Social cultures the world over still see women as suited for care and service, and men as suited for work outside the home.

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