ex·em·pla·ry (ĭg-zěm'plə-rē)
- Worthy of imitation; commendable: exemplary behavior.
- Serving as a model.
- Serving as an illustration; typical.
- Serving as a warning; admonitory.
[From Middle English exaumplarie, exemplere, an exemplar; see exemplar.] ex'em·plar'i·ly (ěg'zəm-plâr'ə-lē) adv., ex·em'pla·ri·ness, ex'em·plar'i·ty (ěg'zəm-plār'ĭ-tē) n.
Word Origin and History
1589 (exemplar is attested from 1393), from M.Fr. exemplaire, from L. exemplaris “that serves as an example,” from exemplum “example.” Exemplify is from c.1430.