Mobile is the future and this infographic is courtesy Vision Mobile.
Here are some of the insights from the infographic:
- Smartphone sales penetration continues to accelerate, growing from nearly 30% in Q3 2011 to nearly 40% in Q2 2012.
- 2 out of every 3 smartphones shipped in H1 2012 were Android devices.
- The Apple Store continues to lead in terms of number of available apps.
- In the handset market, Apple and Samsung account for 63% of revenues and over 98% of the profits, depriving other vendors of oxygen and therefore the ability to invest in handset differentiation and marketing.
- In the smartphone market, Apple and Samsung claim more than half of total shipments. Nokia is shipping more Symbian handsets than WP handsets and their smartphone share has fallen to 7%, down from 16% in H2 2011
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon /
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