What comes to your mind when you think of being innovative or being a disruptor?
Some define it as coming up with a new product or way of doing things.
Here’s how entrepreneurs and business owners define innovation and disruption;
#1- Redesigned Offerings

Business disruptions and innovations are ideas that redesign products and services to be made more affordable, efficient, and accessible to a wider market. Through disruptions and innovations, offerings that were once too sophisticated are recalibrated in order to cater to more people. Disruptions are breakthroughs from the current market trends. A disruptive innovation specifically pertains to when smaller companies are able to move and challenge larger, established businesses. The premise is that these moves are unanticipated because smaller organizations have fewer resources to work with.
Thanks to Brogan Renshaw, Modelers Central!
#2- Introducing new concepts that industries need

Disruption and Innovation occur when we introduce new concepts that our industries need. Too often, I see startups arise in healthcare with self-serving initiatives. For a long time, the goal hasn’t been to improve patient care or the quality of service—you know, things that actually matter and affect the central figures in our field. Those kinds of changes may be impressive, but they’re not disruptive because they haven’t built on any key weak points. True innovation happens when we can see the difference from their invention almost immediately.
Thanks to Stephan Baldwin, Assisted Living!
#3- Anything that forces you to change a process

Disruption is whatever new technology competitors are using to differentiate from the rest. Anything that throws you off from regular system processes, anything that forces you to upgrade, is disruption. Innovation is anything that causes you to change your day today. Disruption comes before innovation, so disruption is the problem, and whatever solution it comes up with is the innovation. When there are new technologies and new processes built into the system, we have to adapt to disruption through innovation.
Thanks to Sandra Gabriel, Gabriel PR!
#4- Innovation is the Yin to disruption's Yang

A disruption is a form of innovation. Innovative and disruptive ideas are similar in that they both build or make. One can innovate through a new process or workflow without this new concept being necessarily disruptive. Disruptive in the truest sense takes a sharp turn from innovation in that disruptive companies to change the direction of how we do business. One may define innovation and disruption as opposite forces where innovation might be the yin to disruption's yang.
Thanks to Dr. Subodh Simon Karmarkar, RefundWiz!
#5- Replacing products or services with something with more value

Disruption means replacing existing products or services with something that adds new value. The disruptive item doesn't need to be necessarily better than what already exists, at least not from the get-go. It's about proving the desire for this creation and highlighting what the existing system lacks. Innovation is actually bringing a new, improved idea to market. It's the fulfillment of the promise of disruption through the
sweat and toil that comes from creating something new.
Thanks to Yang Zhang, Plasmic!
#6- When an industry, product or service is shaken

Disruption and innovation occur when an industry, product, or service is rattled. The rattle can be a good thing. It can motivate others to take a product or service to the next level. It can also cause similar products or services to lose momentum. Our world – whether it's science, technology, nutrition, healthcare, or something else – is always evolving. This evolution sparks the world's most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs to think differently. These individuals see the evolution and create disruption.
Thanks to Jason Brown, Family Central!
#7- Innovations can lead to disruption

In order to disrupt, you need to innovate. However, not all innovations will be able to disrupt the market. Disruption means using something existing and finding a way to improve it that will eventually lead to your replacing the leading player in your industry. Disruption is much like a revolution. Innovation, on the other hand, is like disruption in the sense that it turns something existing into something new and fresh. Innovations can lead to disruption, but it doesn’t happen all the time.
Thanks to Abby Wilson, LGBTQ Flags Australia!
#8- State of transformation from a former state to a new one

I define disruption and innovation as a state of transformation from a former state to a new one. Disruption is when a trend moves into another sector that already has a strong established structure, such as technology or brands. There is a chance for innovation to occur through disruption because there are multiple ways of solving it. I define innovation as the process of exploring, experimenting and challenging the established ways of doing business. It is a process where former states are transformed into new ones. Innovation is an idea that radically changes the way we live.
Thanks to Thomas Niemczewski, Dream Chasers!
#9- Innovation means creatively using scarce resources

Innovation means solving the pain points of the people. Anything from which the general public was suffering year by year. Then with lots of effort, patience, and trial and error of the researchers and analysts, a solution comes to the surface. Innovation means creatively using scarce resources to the best of their ability to cater to the people's needs. Thereby helping, supporting, and sustaining the environment for generations to come.
Thanks to Rahul Vij, Webspero Solutions!
#10- Disruption improves the user experience

The goal of disruption is to improve the user experience. In every case, this is the case. Canva is a game-changer in the design industry since it's cloud-based and uses a drag-and-drop interface everyone knows. It's disruptive because it offers consumers a simple interface that allows them to create beautiful designs without acquiring software or learning new skills. If you're working on something you think will be disruptive, be sure you're disturbing the previous experience effectively. It's not always about how it makes your users feel – it's about how it makes them feel.
Thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, Elizabeth Lombardo International!
#11- Disruption shakes the industry through innovation

Disruption and innovation go hand-in-hand. Disruption shakes the industry through innovation. Disruption is when an innovation that no one expects to “boom” is able to get to the top of the industry. It’s able to change how things work. It is through innovation, the act of getting something that’s already being used and turning it into a new thing, that disruption is possible. It’s all about thinking outside the box, turning what seems useless and unappreciated into something that disrupts how things work.
Thanks to Aaron Williams, Gym Gloves Australia!
#12- Sustainably upending an existing business model

I define disruption as sustainably upending an existing business model with one that is more valuable to the end-user. Being able to disrupt an industry is contingent on finding market holes to implement your consumer solution. While you may not always have that inspired “eureka” moment, you will need to find a space in your market that is missing new, innovative solutions to issues consumers want to pay to solve. The more creative your product solution is, the less competition you will have to fight to start your business.
Thanks to James Shalhoub, Finn!
#13- Reengineering processes and workflow with new technology

Disruption is the radical reengineering of processes and workflows by introducing new technology. Disruption can potentially alter the status quo by making existing markets and technology irrelevant. Sometimes, it gives birth to a new market. On the other hand, innovation is a new idea, concept, or methodology. It has never existed before. Innovations are not as aggressive as disruptions. Nevertheless, both have the power to change business landscapes.
Thanks to Jared Stern, Uplift Legal Funding!
#14- Disruption is creating something out of nothing

Disruption is invention and creating something out of nothing, essentially creating a new category of things. Innovation is making something new out of the pre-existing idea, system, technology, or culture as a whole. Harvard Professor Christopher Christensen introduced the idea of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation pertains to the idea, item, or service that has the potential to disrupt the market or create a new market segment.
Thanks to Mick Humphrey, Z Grills Australia!
#15- An engine of progress and evolution

They’re the flipsides of the same coin that turns any business and industry on its head and reinvent the wheel that they use to move forward. Any industry that isn’t disrupted and changed by people innovating and inventing new ways for it to compete and remain relevant, will eventually become staid and suffer the same fate as the dodo. Innovation and disruption are the avatars, an engine of progress and evolution, and the
only tired, tested, and true way to succeed in the overpopulated world of business.
Thanks to Jacquelyn Kennedy, PetDT!
#16- Having the ability to connect ideas in new ways

The way in which I would describe disruption and innovation is having the ability to connect ideas in new ways, in a manner that brings forth advancement and progress within a specific industry or area of life. It's all about thinking creatively and actively seeking solutions by taking risks and gaining new perspectives, all while sharing the knowledge acquired with others within the same industry so that it can make a significant change.
Thanks to Shane Paarman, Awesome Stuff 365!
#17- Improving and growing when faced with change

I define disruption as seizing the moment to improve and grow when change and challenges happen. This is the time for entrepreneurs and business leaders to be innovative, aware, and strategic. Great disruptors identify new areas where they may learn and grow and use their downtime to think and create. This allows for business leaders to maintain nimble flexibility, which will be extremely beneficial when the next normal happens. These leaders will emerge more aware and ready to hit the ground running with innovative and strategic ideas to improve all areas of business and life.
Thanks to Deborah Sweeney, My Corporation!
18- Disruption is always focused on unmet needs

Disruption is always focused on unmet needs. In my understanding, innovative ideas are fresh and outstanding but do not necessarily fill the gap. Even if innovation is beneficial, it's not indispensable. At the same time, disruption is revolutionary. It's a game-changer that serves customers' unmet needs and changes the way we think about particular services. Therefore, disruption is the most significant innovation that can help seize the market.
Thanks to Tomek Młodzki, PhotoAiD!
#19- The ability to come up with new solutions to the old problems

Disruption and innovation in business, to me, are essentially the ability to come up with new solutions to the same old problems. it is finding new ways to go about doing things, by utilizing different techniques or methods, so that the industry is launched forward with new thoughts, leading to progress and advancement as you do so. It is also being able to become a leader in this regard so that others can reach the same understandings you come up with.
Thanks to Brandon Li, Power!
#20- Disruption and innovation as a means to deal with a problem

I define disruption and innovation as a means to deal with a problem. If you’re a disruptor, you need to come up with unique solutions to fulfill human needs. The best part is that you can challenge the way this society works and address a problem that hasn’t been solved before. As a result, you get to develop simplified solutions to an issue and open doors for new ideas. Disruption means that you bring your unique visions to reality, creating something that improves the current way of life.
Thanks to Brandon Walsh, Golf Clubs Guru!
#21- A manner of advancing within a specific industry in new ways

I would define disruption and innovation within the entrepreneurial world as a manner of advancing within a specific industry in new and uncharted ways. Specifically, I would describe it as not following set rules or methodologies, but rather experimenting with new possibilities and following one's own instincts to open the way for new things. Basically, using creative problem-solving and unique thinking to bring about change
within an established industry.
Thanks to Ty Gibson, Gibson Hill PC!
#22- Ideas that radically shake up the norms

In my industry, cryptocurrency has been a great example of a disruptive and innovative force. It breaks the norms of the usual way we transact and creates a different form of currency. It’s ever-growing and is even finding its way into the banking sector. So, I’d define disruption and innovation as technologies, ideas, or inventions that radically “shake up” the norms and steer society in a different, but better, direction.
Thanks to Adam Garcia, The Stock Dork!
#23- Introducing something unique & influential

Disruption and innovation is the act/idea of introducing a product, service, or solution so game-changing that it puts entire industries on notice—it is crossing boundaries and solving problems. Disruption and innovation are the combined result of answering questions that customers and businesses alike have asked for years. Disruption and innovation are creation and imagination manifested into unique solutions and influential resources.
Thanks to Jordan Duran, 6 Ice!
#24- Innovation and disruption mean removing imperfections

Most people think innovation and disruption refer to creating a new product that takes the world by storm. But disruption and innovation are both very dynamic terms, and their meanings change according to who you’re talking about. But at its core, both revolve around removing imperfections from a product or the market. No product is perfect, and no market is free of gaps. Innovation allows striving for perfection in their products, while disruption allows them to take advantage of those gaps.
Thanks to Zephyr Chan, Better Tools!
#25- Innovation is the transformation of your dreams into reality

I define innovation as being the transformation of your dreams into reality, or the manifestation of what you envision. Businesses described as disruptive are those whose products or processes completely change their respective markets. Some innovations will achieve their goals, but not all will be disruptive. A business or market may not rapidly evolve as a result of every innovation. I believe that every business must evolve over time in order to remain competitive, and disruption is a perfect example of this.
Thanks to Max Shak, Survival Gear Shack!