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Business Plan 101: Executive Summary

Your executive summary is typically the first thing an investor or bank will look at prior to investing or granting a business loan.

The executive summary should highlight the strengths of your plan and is the last section written of the business plan. It typically one or two pages, and it should be concise and precise. Although experts disagree on the actual length of the executive summary, every word counts, so choose your words wisely.

Related Post: Sections of A Business Plan

Things that should be included in your executive summary include:

If you are an established business…

If you are a startup or new business…

Additional Tips
  • Double check for style, punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Have someone else read it over.
  • Keep language strong and positive.
  • Keep your audience in mind.
  • Avoid technical jargon.
  • Remember to sell, not just describe.
  • Write it last.
  • The executive summary can also include sections for risk and opportunity, information about your competition, and industry analysis.


Also check out: The Art of the Executive Summary | Example Executive Summary



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