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29 Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Best Leadership Tips

Effective leadership drives teams, organizations, and even entire communities toward success. Leadership goes beyond holding a position; to inspiring, guiding, and empowering others to reach their full potential. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just embarking on your leadership journey, understanding and implementing the core principles of leadership can make all the difference.

We asked entrepreneurs and business owners about their best leadership tips and here are the responses.

#1- Several tips

Photo Credit: Caroline Bogart

Empower your team by fostering a culture of trust and transparency. Delegation is key—trust your team members to own their projects and make decisions. Provide clear vision and objectives but allow individual creativity and problem-solving flexibility. Regularly seek feedback and listen actively, showing genuine interest in their perspectives and ideas. Lead by example and demonstrate the values you want to see in your team. This builds respect and drives a collective sense of purpose and accountability.

Thanks to Caroline Bogart, Well You Should!

#2- Communicate consistently

Photo Credit: Brandon Aversano

As a founder, I've learned that effective leadership is fundamentally about setting a clear direction and inspiring others to follow. One of my top tips is to develop and consistently communicate a compelling vision for your company. This vision should be ambitious yet achievable, giving your team something meaningful to work towards. Equally important is the ability to listen actively to your employees, customers, and partners. By truly hearing their insights and concerns, you can make more informed decisions and foster a culture of respect and inclusivity.

Thanks to Brandon Aversano, Alloy!

#3- Set a clear vision

Photo Credit: Chris Bajda

The foundation of strong leadership starts with setting a clear vision. Everyone must understand the goals and the role they play in achieving them. Transparency about your expectations and the overall mission keeps everyone aligned and motivated. Next, embrace a collaborative mindset. Your team is a diverse group with unique perspectives, so encourage their input and make them feel their contributions matter. Lastly, being adaptable and being able to pivot when necessary while maintaining focus on your core objectives is key to navigating challenges and seizing new opportunities.

Thanks to Chris Bajda, Grooms Day!

#4- Cultivate a culture of learning

Photo Credit: Kevin Shahnazari

My best leadership tip is to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. staying ahead means constantly evolving. I encourage my team to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. We've implemented a “fail fast, learn faster” approach, where mistakes are viewed as valuable lessons rather than setbacks. I've found that openly sharing my own learning experiences and vulnerabilities – creates an environment where innovation thrives. I prioritize clear communication of our vision and goals alignment fosters a sense of purpose and ownership. Lastly, I believe in the power of diverse perspectives.

Thanks to Kevin Shahnazari, Finly Wealth!

#5- Foster trust and empower the team

Photo Credit: Jackson Yin

As a leader, my philosophy centers on fostering trust and empowering my team. Trust is the foundation of effective leadership, enabling open communication and collaboration. I believe in leading by example, demonstrating integrity, and showing genuine appreciation for my team's efforts. Empowerment comes from providing the resources and autonomy they need to succeed, fostering an environment where innovation and creativity can thrive. By prioritizing these values, I've seen remarkable growth and resilience within our organization.

Thanks to Jackson Yin, iBuild Building Solutions!

#6- Praise publicly, reprimand privately

Photo Credit: Jess Rodley

When you compliment someone's hard work publicly, it boosts their confidence big time. It shows everyone that you notice their efforts. But you don’t want to do the same when criticizing team members. Criticizing someone in front of others is just plain mean. It can really hurt their feelings and make them feel bad about themselves. Instead, find a quiet moment to discuss what went wrong and how they can do better next time. This way, they feel respected and are more open to learning from their mistakes. Good leaders build their teams up, not tear them down!

Thanks to Jess Rodley, Andorra Escapes!

#7- Foster a collaborative work environment

Photo Credit: Steve Case

As the leader, my best leadership tips center around fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment. Effective communication is paramount; ensure your team understands the company's vision and their role in achieving it. Invest in your employees' growth by providing opportunities for professional development and recognizing their achievements. Empower your team by delegating responsibilities and trusting them to make decisions. Adaptability is also key in leadership; be open to feedback and willing to adjust strategies as needed to meet changing circumstances.

Thanks to Steve Case, Insurance Hero!

#8- Delegate effectively

Photo Credit: Gary Hemming

My best leadership tips focus on effective delegation, continuous learning, and fostering a supportive environment. Delegating tasks appropriately allows team members to leverage their strengths and grow their skills while freeing up time for leaders to focus on strategic initiatives. Continuous learning ensures that both you and your team stay updated with industry trends and best practices, promoting innovation and adaptability. Creating a supportive environment where feedback is encouraged and valued helps build trust and collaboration, leading to a more cohesive and motivated team.

Thanks to Gary Hemming, ABC Finance Limited!

#9- Be tough on issues but soft on people

Photo Credit: Steven Pope

As a leader, I believe in fostering a culture that embodies the core values of learning, eagerness, consistent communication, teaching, and being tech-savvy. Encouraging a mindset of continuous learning and eagerness to improve among the team. Being tech-savvy allows us to leverage the latest tools and technologies to optimize our processes and deliver exceptional results for our clients. I emphasize being tough on issues but soft on people. This approach means addressing challenges head-on while supporting and valuing our team members, creating an environment where they can thrive.

Thanks to Steven Pope, My Amazon Guy!

#10- Build a strong company culture

Photo Credit: Henry Purchase

Prioritize building a strong company culture. A positive and inclusive culture can significantly impact employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Focus on creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated. This involves promoting open communication, encouraging teamwork, and recognizing and rewarding contributions. Regular team-building activities and opportunities for professional development can also help strengthen the company culture and foster a sense of community and belonging among employees. Also, don’t forget to lead by example. Demonstrate the values and work ethic you expect from your team.

Thanks to Henry Purchase, SEO Space!

#11- Build a team of experts

Photo Credit: Goro Gupta

There is an old saying: No one is an island. As a leader, you can't be a Swiss army knife and expect to do everything well. Building a team of experts who complement your strengths and cover your weaknesses is essential. Self-learning is another big one. You need to know how to lead yourself before you can lead others. This means continuous personal development and always striving to improve. The world changes, people change, and new challenges pop up all the time. To lead well, you have to keep up with new techniques and approaches and learn from the best.

Thanks to Goro Gupta, Ethical Property Investments!

#12- Create an environment of trust and mutual respect

Photo Credit: Justine Curtis

Leading with heart and seeing the good in people is foundational to effective leadership. When you approach your team with empathy and genuine care, you create an environment of trust and mutual respect. Which inspires them to grow and excel. Encourage team members to pursue roles and tasks that align with their passions and strengths, as this not only boosts their satisfaction but also enhances overall productivity. Ensure you have the right team in place by selecting individuals whose values and skills complement the organization's goals.

Thanks to Justine Curtis, Inspired Adventures!

#13-  Listen actively & empathetically

Photo Credit: Oliver Morrisey

My number one leadership tip is to always listen actively and empathetically to your team. By truly understanding their perspectives, concerns, and ideas, you can build a stronger, more cohesive team. This approach fosters trust and respect, encouraging open communication and collaboration. It also helps you make more informed decisions that reflect the collective wisdom of your team, ultimately leading to better outcomes for everyone involved. Listening isn't just about hearing words; it's about valuing each person's contribution and creating an environment where everyone feels heard and appreciated.

Thanks to Oliver Morrisey, Empower Wills & Estate Lawyers!

#14- A number of tips

Photo Credit: Soubhik Chakrabarti

Set clear goals and educate your team about achieving them. As a leader, develop the ability to manage conflicts among employees. Leadership is not only about managing a team; it also requires you to stay updated with the latest trends. Identify your strengths and shortcomings. Learn leadership and management skills. Also, great leaders are good listeners. Listen to your team members' problems properly and suggest valid solutions. Lastly, develop empathy towards your team members.

Thanks to Soubhik Chakrabarti, Icy Tales Limited!

#15- Allocate collective team responsibilities

Photo Credit: Sharné Lategan

The best leadership tip I would give my younger self is to shift from viewing duties and responsibilities as belonging to individual roles and start seeing them as collective team responsibilities. Start by creating an organizational chart with each employee’s top three strengths and biggest weaknesses. Re-allocate collective team duties and responsibilities based on individual strengths and weaknesses, and watch your team quantum leap in quality, productivity, efficiency & team cohesion. By steering employees away from tasks that highlight their weaknesses, & playing to their individual passions and strengths, you increase their job satisfaction &  innovation.

Thanks to Sharné Lategan, Growth Mindset Coach!

#16- Embrace a hands-on approach

Photo Credit: Steve Britchford

One unique leadership tip is to embrace a hands-on approach to understanding every aspect of your business. I make it a point to spend time in the manufacturing area, work alongside the sales team, and engage directly with customers. This deep involvement allows me to identify inefficiencies, gain valuable insights from employees at all levels, and build strong, trust-based relationships. By being present and approachable, I foster a culture of transparency and collaboration, ensuring that my team feels supported and valued. This approach not only improves operational efficiency but also drives innovation and a strong sense of community within the company.

Thanks to Steve Britchford, Polycote!

#17- Use the power of empathy

Photo Credit: Dr. Bryan Bruno

One of the most important leadership tips I've embraced is the power of empathy. By truly understanding and valuing the perspectives and feelings of my team, I can create a supportive and motivating work environment. Another key tip is to maintain open and transparent communication. Regularly sharing the organization’s goals, successes, and challenges fosters trust and aligns everyone with our mission. Additionally, investing in the continuous education and professional growth of my team not only enhances their skills but also drives innovation and excellence in our practice. Leading by ex. with integrity and dedication inspires the same qualities in those around me.

Thanks to Dr. Bryan Bruno, Mid City TMS!

#18- Adapt and learn continuously

Photo Credit: Adam Lenhart

Adaptability and continuous learning are essential in the business world. Stay informed about industry trends and be willing to pivot strategies when necessary. Cultivate a growth mindset within your organization, encouraging innovation and calculated risk-taking. Recognize and reward good performance to motivate your team. Also, prioritize work-life balance for yourself and your employees. A well-rested, satisfied team is more productive and creative, which ultimately benefits the business as a whole.

Thanks to Adam Lenhart, Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters!

#19- Ensure everyone is aligned

Photo Credit: Ben Whitmarsh

Clear communication is important. Setting and articulating well-defined goals for the company and each team ensures everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives. Regular check-ins and an open-door policy foster a culture of transparency and trust. It's crucial to lead by example, demonstrating the work ethic and values you expect from your team. Delegation is also key; empowering employees with responsibilities not only lightens your load but also helps them grow professionally.

Thanks to Ben Whitmarsh, Generators For Export!

#20- Get to know the people in your organization

Photo Credit: Richard Purcell

One trait all leaders have in common is that they are undeniably brilliant at connection. One of your jobs as a leader is to influence up, down, and sideways. You can’t do this effectively if you haven’t spent time connecting with and getting to know the people in your organization. proper connection is no easy feat. It requires a genuine interest in the people who are being led by you. It requires radically candid conversations so you can truly get to know people’s motivations, anxieties, and aspirations. It requires a lot of time investment and work. But, once it is done a team of people who feel significant, heard, valued,& ready to join you wherever the business is headed, together.

Thanks to Richard Purcell, Care Scribe!

#21- Lead by example

Photo Credit: Jason Jones

One of the best leadership tips I can share is to lead by example. Your team watches what you do more than what you say. Show them your commitment to hard work, integrity, and kindness. Also, listen to your team. Their feedback is valuable, and it makes them feel heard and respected. Be clear about your vision and goals so everyone knows what they’re working towards. Lastly, never stop learning. Stay curious and open to new ideas. This not only helps you grow but also sets a tone of continuous improvement for your team.

Thanks to Jason Jones, ATX Epoxy Floors!

#22- Deal with issues quickly & valuing mistakes

Photo Credit: Amanda Lacey

Follow your instincts, deal with issues quickly, and value your mistakes – they will teach you more than any MBA. I always rely on personality; skills can be taught, but if they are not a good personality fit you are never going to be able to make magic. We spend too much time at work to not enjoy the people we are doing it with. Leadership isn't delegation, it is trusting your team to be able to achieve.

Thanks to Amanda Lacey, POPCOM!

#23- Establish authenticity

Photo Credit: Liam Anderson

Leadership is all about inspiring and persuading others to attain common goals and objectives. Effective leadership has been central to several workplace initiatives and programs, and it is critical to an organization's success. People can detect a leader's honesty and genuineness; a leader must ensure that he or she emits authenticity. Expressions of gratitude are only meaningful if the leader means them. Authenticity also promotes honesty and fairness within the team, stimulates transparency, and creates “courageous conversations.” Knowing that you are open to new ideas can help to spark vital debates and lead to critical changes and choices.

Thanks to Liam Anderson, Waterview Vancouver!

#24- Show humility

Photo Credit: Andrea Smith

Leadership is more than just holding a high-ranking position and being in control. In practice, successful leadership is a mix of personal beliefs and practical abilities that work together to create an environment. Being able to confess and apologize for your mistakes is not a sign of weak leadership; rather, it is a sign of effective leadership.  When you confess a mistake, your staff feel comfortable doing the same. Accepting that people make errors will foster a more collaborative environment in your firm. When something goes smoothly, ensure that the team receives credit rather than you.

Thanks to Andrea Smith, Master Manchester!

#25- Keep the team on the same page

Photo Credit: Alex Smith

As the leader my top priority is to make sure that people on my team are on the same page. It's all about clear, consistent communication. I make it a point to make sure each member knows what our brand's vision is, what we're aiming to achieve with our marketing, and how each of them plays an essential part. I'm a big believer in keeping the lines of communication open. To keep up with the requirements of the world, I make sure my team has the latest tools and training they need to succeed. This drives our marketing strategies forward and brings success to our store.

Thanks to Alex Smith, Overlook Boots!

#26- Cultivating a culture of trust and innovation

Photo Credit: Viktor Meier

My best leadership tip is to lead by example & cultivate a culture of trust & innovation. I prioritize transparency & a genuine commitment to our core values. Empowering my team by providing them with the resources and autonomy they need fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. I also emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptability, encouraging everyone to embrace change and seek creative solutions. By actively listening to my team and valuing their input, I create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best work.

Thanks to Viktor Meier, Glice!

#27- Through a clear vision and value statement

Photo Credit: Ivan Vislavskiy

Leadership skills are vital for success in the legal world, as they help attract clients and keep staff aligned with firm values and culture. Strong leadership is also key to effective financial management. Having a clear vision or value statement is crucial, and it’s important to develop and practice it intentionally. Anyone can become an effective leader if they decide to take that first step and commit to the process.

Thanks to Ivan Vislavskiy, Comrade Digital Marketing Agency!

#28- Streamline processes

Photo Credit: Jonas Torrang

Effective leadership means coming up with streamlined processes and having crystal-clear goals, which is why it's important to establish systems that cut down on waste— be it time and resources or effort— and ensure everything aligns with our strategic objectives. A leader, in this regard, must proactively spot and resolve bottlenecks to keep productivity high, continually tweak processes, and stay open to adopting new efficiencies. In the end, prioritizing efficiency means refining our methods to consistently achieve superior results— showing the mark of a good leader.

Thanks to Jonas Torrang,!

#29- Focus on building strong relationships

Photo Credit: Steve Sacona

One of the top leadership tips I can share is to focus on building strong relationships within your team. Genuine connections create trust and loyalty, which are essential for a motivated and cohesive team. Make great efforts to show real interest in your team members' lives as well as challenges. Acknowledge their efforts— achievements or not no matter how big or small. Cultivating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood, you encourage your team to go above and beyond. Focusing on these relationships helps build a positive & effective workplace.

Thanks to Steve Sacona, Top 10 Lawyers!

 What are your best leadership tips? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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