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Productivity Tips by CEOs for CEOs -[Infographic]

Does anyone have a greater variety of high-pressure responsibilities to carry than a CEO?

Probably not. That’s why the founders and directors of today’s most successful businesses have figured out how to make the most productive use of their time. And many of the tips that are shared in this new productivity infographic revolve around principles of reduction and simplification.

“Most decisions should probably be made with somewhere around 70% of the information you wish you had,” suggests Jeff Bezos, for example. “If you wait for 90%, in most cases you’re probably being slow.”

Jason Fried, CEO at Basecamp, has an even simpler piece of simplification advice:

“Techniques and hacks are all about managing what happens when you say yes to too many things,” Fried told Lifehacker. “All the techniques and hacks in the world never add up to the power of no.

“Having fewer things to do is the best way to get things done.”

Oh yeah, and while we’re at it – try giving your lower-paid workers a raise! The team will function much productively as a unit when there is less disparity between what each valued employee is paid for the hours they put into your business.

Which productivity tip are you going to put into action first?

15 productivity lessons from successful founders (and how to apply them) , courtesy




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