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Work/Life Balance In The Modern Era [Infographic]

Summer is winding down, and both executives and employees are hoping to squeeze in one more vacation before fall hits. Disconnecting from work is good for your well-being, but 66% of full-time employees in the U.S. don’t believe they have the proper work/life balance. In this always ‘on’ business world we live in, it can be difficult to step away, especially when you’re constantly getting buzzes, pings and pop ups from your email. Email has become the preferred method of business communication, but it also plays a significant part in workers feeling obligated to always be available.

On average, email users receive 147 emails per day, and they don’t stop when you go on vacation.To combat the constant barrage of email messages from taking you away from the sandy beach and ice cold beer, Aye Moah, Co-Founder and Chief of Product at Boomerang suggest that you consider the following tips – even if you’re not going away but want to unplug for summer Fridays, work happy hours or family dinner:

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