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43 CEO Nuggets on Brand, Growth, Winning & More [CEO Bookshelf]

You’ve heard you are what you eat, well we believe that you are what you read. Teach a CEO presents lessons from our CEO Bookshelf on how you can improve and grow your venture. We have taken gems or nuggets from our library and provide them for CEO’s, startups, entrepreneurs and business owners. Get your copy of these books and more at CEO Books.

Company Growth – 8 Nuggets

  1. The future looks nothing like the past, and relying on old expertise, old data, old insights will only ensure expensive failure. So instead of sinking large amounts of capital into a select few new ventures, often called rack-and-stack planning, companies need to embrace the power portfolios–placing dozens of small bets, using the tools of discovery and validation to reveal which ones will be successful. Angel and venture capitalists do this innately, and large enterprises can adopt their playbook. This is fundamentally about learning velocity, and whoever learns the fasts wins. (New to Big)
  2. Growth leaders must stop focusing their energies on incremental growth through endless optimization, and instead leverage their companies' assets to build new offerings, move into new markets, and create next-generation solutions. When a CEO with that growth mindset takes the wheel at a legacy company, dazzling change suddenly becomes possible. (New to Big)
  3. The first step toward becoming an ambidextrous leader? Setting the permissions and boundaries for their entrepreneurial teams to work differently. Giving them permission to be wrong. Permission to question established wisdom. Permission to disrupt core businesses. Permission to run experiments and invalidate assumptions and move fast. Permission to behave like a startup even while they're embedded in a mammoth, hundred-year-old enterprised. (New to Big)
  4. To foster New to Big growth you must learn how to become an operator and a creator. You have to become ambidextrous. (New to Big)
  5. Startups know that the correct place to start is not with an answer but with a question. (New to Big)
  6. The best predictor of enterprise new to big success has been something founders learn through the unrelenting grind of launching and scaling their startups: It all starts with the CEO's mindset. (New to Big)
  7. Growth is radically different. Growth is urgent. Growth is grounded in commercial truth. Growth does not adhere to invisible permissions or restrictions. Growth is in the culture, or it's not. When you're honest with yourself, can you really say you're playing to win? (New to Big)
  8. You can, however, be a refounder. Refounders are leaders who–despite not having created their companies from scratch–adopt the Day One mind-sets and model of founders. (New to Big)

Personal & Professional Growth – 6 Nuggets

  1. BUILD is an acronym: Build Relationships, Understand the Business, Implement Strategies, Level and Inspire, Deliver Excellence. (The BUILD Framework ®)
  2. When living from your hear, you can still visit the headspace when necessary to work out the details, but with true leadership from the heart, your understanding of everything deepens. Finally, delivering excellence is ultimately about being in service to others. (The BUILD Framework ®)
  3. Once you know whom you need to build relationships with, you can identify why it is important to build relationships with those specific people. It is only by asking why that you'll truly understand these relationships. If we don't' ask why, we make arbitrary, rather than intentional, decisions about the people around us. (The BUILD Framework ®)
  4. Implementing strategies is important, but so is having some flexibility to adapt those strategies when necessary. (The BUILD Framework ®)
  5. If you want a culture of embracing openness and working together, then it's up to you to demonstrate those behaviors. Because you are always leading. You're always influencing. You can't opt out of leadership.  (The BUILD Framework ®)
  6. When your heart is open and you are connected, you can deliver excellence on every level by ensuring that you can feel it, inspecting what you expect, remembering the value of the vibe, and knowing that excellence is perpetual. (The BUILD Framework ®)

Digital Policy – 6 Nuggets

  1. Having policies that are used is more important than what they are called. (The Power of Digital Policy)
  2. Digital policies help you take full advantage of the opportunities available in the digital world while reducing the risks associated with online missteps. (The Power of Digital Policy)
  3. Another reason small businesses need digital policies is because employees tend to wear multiple hats, tackling projects that fall outside of their areas of expertise simply because somebody has to do it. Having policies that outline the who, what, where, when, how and why result in a more consistent—and more reliable–digital presence. (The Power of Digital Policy)
  4. …think about for an ongoing policy program in each of the following areas: Accessibility, cooking and tracking policy, copyrights and protections, data breach response, data privacy, email marketing and spam, emergency response and business continuity, online piracy. (The Power of Digital Policy)
  5. Writing digital policies isn't enough! You need to manage policies through their full lifecycle. (The Power of Digital Policy)
  6. Digital policies are not a project. The problem with thinking about them as a project is that oftentimes leadership and those working on digital initiatives expect that if something is a project, it is a one-and done-deal. (The Power of Digital Policy)

Winning – 10 Nuggets

  1. A success mindset is simple to describe, but it's not easy to do. It takes some work. First, you have to believe that you have the power to make things better. Then you have to take action and change the way you see your past. (Choose to Win)
  2. Success and significance are stepping0stones on the way to legacy. When legacy is your why, the how and the what come to life. (Choose to Win)
  3. The fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits. (Choose to Win)
  4. Our future depends on the choices we make. (Choose to Win)
  5. What you feed your mind determines your appetite. (Choose to Win)
  6. The wheel is a simple yet profound way to get a snapshot of how well you are doing in life. Every dream or goal you have and every struggle you are dealing with will fall into one of these seven areas of life: mental, spiritual, physical, family, financial, personal, and career. (Choose to Win)
  7. In order to choose to win, you need to choose the ownership mentality when it comes to your attitude, effort, and skill. (Choose to Win)
  8. Attitude x Effort x Skill = Performance (Choose to Win)
  9. One thing is certain: if you never take the first step, you will never take the second step. (Choose to Win)
  10. Living a life of purpose is a choice. I believe we all created on purpose and for a purpose. (Choose to Win)

Brand – 10 Nuggets

  1. Brand: The crux of commerce itself–the value your business brings that gives it the right to exist. Defining and operationalizing your brand formulates the most direct route for your business to create, sustain and scale value. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  2. When you create a brand strategy deliberately and carefully, you define the business's North Star that will clearly guide every decision you make and every decision your team makes. Brand forms your most durable competitive advantage. It lights your way to creating purpose, value, and scale. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  3. A worthy business is one that creates value for customers, employees, and owners. The value you bring your customer translates to value for the rest of your business's stakeholders. Brand is the articulation of the value. It identifies why customers should part with their hard-earned money in exchange for your offering. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  4. …brand is good defense. Brand protects what you have, helping you to survive and defend, as well as thrive and grow. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  5. Startup leaders often forego brand strategy because they prefer to wait and do it “right.” Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The right way to develop a brand strategy early in the business may be to do so in a quick-and-dirty way, to be revisited later. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  6. Ironclad brand strategies reflect the emotional life of their target customer. They honor that through everything they deliver. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  7. Brand is the crystallization and delivery of your businesses' value to customers. If you lead a business, you can and must gain this clarity. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  8. By making your promise more and more relevant and meaningful to customers, you deepen customer love. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  9. Brand is the largest driver of value creation. It is good for your customer. It is good for your business. In fact, it makes up the very fibers of the relationship between your customer and your business. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)
  10. Creating your brand strategy is about declaring your stance and then aligning to it. (Forging An Ironclad Brand)

Human Nature – 3 Nuggets

  1. Crumpler's don't ‘hate” systems or process. They will buck systems and process (for themselves generally), but they can also find freedom and comfort when there are some systems in place that allow them ot have more freedom for other things. (Folder or Crumpler)
  2. No one is 100% folder or 100% Crumpler. There is a Folder Crumpler Continuum which means that you will have some traits of both but you ARE predominantly one or the other. (Folder or Crumpler)
  3. It's incredibly important to understand the needs, motivation, and nature of the people we interact with. (Folder or Crumpler)

Books on The CEO Bookshelf

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