The world has changed and the white picket fence and corporate ladder has been replaced. Today, entrepreneurship is an alternative to those that are seeking to reach personal and professional goals and don't want to wait to climb the ladder. Often starting a business requires a lot of risk and sometimes those seeking to “take a leap of faith” are paralyzed by the thought of so much risk. That's where franchising can alleviate some of that risk and provide the opportunity to find a franchise that reduces the risk of failure. The Small Business Administration explains that a franchise is “a great alternative if you want to have some guidance in the start-up phase of the business. A franchise is a business model that involves one business owner licensing trademarks and methods to an independent entrepreneur.”
Faizun Kamal of FranNet is a a local Washington DC area FranNet consultant and she provided some infographics below about the changing faces of franchising and how to create your own ladder because the corporate ladder is broken.