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Focused Entrepreneurs

Focus can distinguish a successful entrepreneur from someone that just can't get it done.  Sometimes the unfocused person jumps from task to task and project to project without a specific plan or purpose.  However, the entrepreneur that is able to focus and put his or her time and energy into a project is usually more successful.

So, how do entrepreneurs stay focused on their project and/or tune out the negativity or the doubt?

Unlike a job, or school – there is no beginning, middle, or end for an entrepreneur – Being an entrepreneur is a journey. You have chosen to take on the vision, the responsibility, the commitment, and the investment. Whether you invest your money, your time, and/or your spirit – the personal investment required to be an entrepreneur demands your focus and attention. Every business is approximately two big breaks away from really making it and two bad breaks away from going under.Knowing that is a big motivator to stay focused.

Thanks to Cyndi Finkle!

The key to entrepreneurial success is to place yourself in a situation where small success is attainable, and will breed more success and motivation as a result. Even if you are doing what you are passionate about, any business owner will have their patience tested if they don't see some small results. Give yourself the chance to achieve tiny goals that re-affirm that you are in the right business and on the right path.

Thanks to Jim Magary!

Don't take your focus away from providing quality products and/or services that meet the needs of your customers, communicating what you have to offer to the right people in a positive way and building relationships with customers. If you do this instead of allowing your focus to stray or panicking about other things, sales (first time and ongoing) and referrals will follow.

Thanks to Mary Gormandy White!

I believe in 2 methods for staying on course and committed to your project. The first is to find and anchor yourself in the feeling of what you want to create. Yes the end, physical result is great. You can see yourself selling your whatzit to that big old department store or you visualize the clients lining up at your door. But if that all it took, than commitment would never wane. We need to anchor in what the feeling of what we are trying to achieve. Commit to remembering the freedom, creativity and excitement that will come. Commit to bringing forward those qualities in different ways throughout the journey. This way we get to experience the success of achievements as work. I also believe that focused entrepreneurs ask for assistance and work with coaches/consultants to help them stay on task. It is powerful to admit when assistance is needed. Having the help and guidance can make all of the difference.

Thanks to Jo Anna!

I write a photography blog and to promote my blog (with the goal of attracting sponsors) I also guest blog, write eBooks, and Im all about social networking.  While doing this, I work a full time job, a home to manage, and a small social life.  I stay focused with a spiral note book and index cards.  I use the notebook to take notes on things that I need to do and draft posts.  I use the index cards to keep my goals on track – eventually these will help me with my business plan. When I feel overwhelmed, I remember that Ive already accomplished what a lot of people told me was impossible.  Then I jump right back in!

Thanks to Kimberly Gauthier!

Image: Stuart Miles /

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