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Entrepreneur’s Bookshelf: Lessons from the Library

You’ve heard you are what you eat, well we believe that you are what you read. Teach a CEO presents lessons from our bookshelf on how you can improve and grow your venture. We have taken nuggets from our library and provide them for entrepreneurs and business owners.

  • The dramatic circumstances of our times, an emerging new reality, and increasing new demands providing profound opportunities for business. And while business as an institution is often criticized and even demonized, business is a powerful force for positive change. It's process and product captive our attention and energy, influence our consciousness, and affect our material, psychological, and spiritual well-being. (via Working for Good?)
  • It's very difficult to focus on smoke, or anything else that is dense but that dissipates. It's much easier to focus on concrete objectives and those ideas that are anchored to a belief system. I always tell companies that their employees should be focused on something that is not easily attained, but is clearly attainable. You have to set your sights on climbing the mountain, not climbing to the clouds. (via Taking Your Team to the Top: How to Build and Manage Great Teams Like The Pros)
  • …one of the biggest secrets (actually three of them) that seperates those that want to be successful from those who actually do something about it. It's all about knowing when to change and how to evaluate personal change. It looks like this (1) Change Who You Sell to (2) Change how You Market and Sell (3) Change What You Sell. (via Cracking the Icon Code) 
  • …randomly pinning pictures without thinking through a strategy for how you want to use the site won't net you the best branding or marketing results–or even the greatest degree of personal satisfaction. Before you launch into heavy pin-and-promote mode, think it through and even consider writing up a one- or two-page Pinterest Business Plan that answers the following three critical questions. (1) Is your Pinterest for personal or business branding? (2) Who is your target market? (3) What are your marketing goals? (via Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business) 
  • To be effective as entrepreneurs and change agents we must engage others to join us in our adventure. And bringing out the best in people and inspiring them to passionately commit themselves requires deep awareness of how we are in relationship to others. (via Working for Good?)
  • The people who visualize data best got to that level because they examined and visualized a lot of data. They gained experience with each graph made. Reading books will inform better decisions, but it's not until you put what you learn into practice when you really improve. (via Data Points: Visualization That Means Something)
  • Belief is what humans do. Our personal beliefs define our choices, shape our lives and, collectively determine our futures. Nothing is more important than belief. (via The Business of Belief)
  • Leaders should understand the skills necessary for the individual in the position to execute the requirements for that position in a timely, productive, and efficient manner, usually at a high degree of standard. It also becomes incumbent upon the team leaders or those who are making the selection and placement of team members to recognize whether or not a person has the ability to learn, develop, and grow into the position through developmental training programs devised to teach those skills needed to execute the responsibilities of the position. (via Taking Your Team to the Top: How to Build and Manage Great Teams Like The Pros)
  • If you really want your efforts on Pinterest to have an impact on the overall marketing of your business and building of your brand, I have two words for you: cross promotion. Pinterest works best when it shares the social media stage with Facebook, Twitter, and your blog. (via Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business) 
  • The key to more doing is really reverse engineer your final destination. Discover where you want to be and then work backwards. Once you know the path, you can break things down into baby steps. (via Cracking the Icon Code)
  • Choice is liberating, and belief flourishes with the freedom to choose. But every choice also chains us, because it rejects a world brimming with competing opinions and possibilities. Our believing minds simply can not function while brooding over all of those chains. The psychic strain would paralyze us. And so we ignore them. (via The Business of Belief)
  • Guerilla Rainmakers not only help their own business, but everyone in their association will reap a downpour of profits. Instead of bringing in 100 leads and making 20 sales per month, the Guerilla Rainmaker helps 20 people bring in 20 sales and a couple hundred more leads each. (via Cracking the Icon Code)
  • Purposeful people build purposeful companies. And purposeful people make an impact through whatever their work or role may be. Purpose at work, in business or otherwise, has two  dimensions: the purpose of the individuals making up the organization, and the purpose of the organization itself. (via Working for Good?)
  • While the vast majority of Pinterest users post mostly photos, you can make your Pinterest boards more of a multimedia experience  by sharing videos from YouTube and Vimeo screencasts form your desktop, presentations from SlideShare, and podcasts. (via Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business) 
  • The same is true of entrepreneurs and other risk takers. Desire fuels belief, especially in their ability to control their destiny, and through thoughtful and determined action (and luck) many achieve what they put their minds to. Belief, then is a somewhat naive, self-fulfilling prophecy. Desire drives belief, which motivates people to seek out information and act in certain ways that help them attain those desires. (via The Business of Belief)

The Bookshelf

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