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Entrepreneur Bookshelf: Lessons from the Library

You’ve heard you are what you eat, well we believe that you are what you read. Teach a CEO presents lessons from our bookshelf on how you can improve and grow your venture. We have taken nuggets from our library and provide them for entrepreneurs and business owners.

If you want to create that emotional connection that leads to sharing, there are four core principles that we've found are crucial for you to understand: (1) Be true (2) Don't waste our time (3) Be unforgettable (4) Ultimately, it's all about humanity. – The Viral Video Manifesto

Few people in the world are consciously aware that their destiny is directly tied to their thoughts. For example if you think (believe) that you are trapped in your work, your job, or your present circumstances, that thinking will dictate how you feel on a daily basis. -Entrepreneur Unleashed

Being an entrepreneur involves a huge amount of work, dedication and sacrifice. If you enjoy working from 9 to 5, following the same routine day in and day out, and having plenty of paid time off, you probably shouldn't start your own business. Because owning your own business means you're going to have to wear many hats, juggle many projects at the same time, deal with constant surprises and crises, and work a lot more than 40 hours a week, at least for the first few year. – One Simple Idea

Reserve accounts are particularly important for consultants, home office professionals, entrepreneurs and artists. In fact they're critical Why? Because when we work for ourselves, we don't get paid on a regular schedule and need to plan for the months when there is no paycheck…. That's why we should work with a Healthy Reserve account. The reason we need a three-month buffer is that we know that, as a consultant, artist, or entrepreneur, we're a lot more expendable than the average full-time employee. – Debt Free Spending Plan

Universal Law of Being an Entrepreneur: I will always remember that time is more valuable than money. – Entrepreneur Unleashed

The number one way to one-up the competition is to make your customer your number one priority. To do that, you have to really know and understand your customers. – One Simple Idea

To create a strong, positive emotional experience, the people are what matter. The best circus and sideshow performers–and the best viral video creators–are the ones who have been able to project their humanity, to create a connection with the audience. – The Viral Video Manifesto

Business is extraordinarily complex, even a one-person business  So you need a business plan, in whatever format it happens to be, to organize and articulate what you're doing, how you're doing it and why. What a business plan really represents is a set of informed decisions based on your best thinking about your business. -One Simple Idea

Most attempts at viral video take too long to get down to business. On the Internet, your audience can leave whenever they want. And they will. If they get bored, they'll be gone in an instant.” – The Viral Video Manifesto

In today's consumer-centric, wired world, where brand preference or rejection can be made, changed, and shared instantly, push marketing doesn't work so well. Frankly, I don't think it has ever worked well for startups and small businesses. As a new business, there simply isn't enough money to buy customers with expensive advertising and marketing tactics  It takes time to earn people's attention and business. -One Simple Idea

In order to be contagious, to get us excited enough to share with our friends, your video has to be, in some way, unforgettable. – The Viral Video Manifesto

Being unforgettable means going out on a limb and trying something different. That can seem risky. But the real risk in online video is in trying to play it safe. If you're not different enough to distance yourself from the pack, your video won't go viral and your entire effort will have been wasted. – The Viral Video Manifesto

The goal for any entrepreneur is to create passive streams of incomes from multiple sources or multiple business endeavors. The beauty of getting one businesss up and running and then moving on to the next one is the security that comes during times of change. – Entrepreneur Unleashed

After your business starts making a profit, consider establishing a retirement savings plan such as a SEP-IRA or Keogh….such plans allow you to shelter up to 20 percent of your business income from federal and state taxation. – Personal Finance for Dummies

Books from the Bookshelf

One Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs by Stephen Key provides his perspective on how to get business ideas off the ground. Specifically the book contains plans, case studies, anecdotes tips and advice on how to develop, test, and protect your idea; plan and launch your business  manufacture, package, market, sell and distribute your product; manage and grow your business; and prepare for and implement your endgame.

The Viral Video Manifesto: Why Everything You Know Is Wrong and How To Do What Really Works by Stephen Voltz and Fritz Grobe the creators of the viral video studio EepyBird offers a way to create a viral video. The video includes QR Cods to successful viral videos.

The Debt-Free Spending Plan by Joanneh Nagler is a book for people who want to be free themselves from the choke hold of debt who don't know how. It’s for people who hate numbers, never liked math, and rarely, if ever, balance their checkbooks.  The Plan is simple, easy and takes just five minutes a day—and it doesn’t matter if you make $14,000 or $14 million, the Debt-Free Spending Plan will work, every time.

Entrepreneur Unleashed: Wealth to Stand the Test of Time by Gregory Downing is a program that teaches parents how to create wealth and acquire knowledge that can be passed down to your children and grand children.

Personal Finance for Dummies by Eric Tyson provides techniques for tracking expenditures, reducing spending, and getting out from under the burden of high-interest debt, basic of investing, as well as risks, returns, and options for popular investment strategies.

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